Monday, July 3, 2017

The first post


After staring blankly at the wall for a few moments, deciding how to begin, we think it's best to state the obvious: we have started a blog.

(for sanity's sake, we think it'll be helpful to swap different fonts so that you know who's writing what. From here on out, let it be understood that...

This is Philip. Logical, neat, organized... Everything he's not.

& this is Meg. Bold. Clear. Prominent. Loud.

 This blog, which you've somehow stumbled onto, is designed to be a log of our adventures. Sometimes, you may find a brilliant recipe that we've discovered, and pictures of our culinary success (that's not likely). Other times, you'll read a story of when we pulled over to help a drunk guy that we thought was passed out, and Philip ended up with spit on his shirt (much more likely). There'll be a blend here. Some heavy topics, some light, most altogether bewildering and amusing. (The true goal here is to one day compile our collective stories into a book, and make millions; congrats, you're getting this gold for free) 

In all seriousness, life is new, changing, bizarre, and we won't pretend to have any of it figured out. We're thrilled to be where we are, though, on the bad days as well as the good. We want to invite you in, to join us in the hilarity that is life as the Honnolds.

Thanks for reading.

Philip & Meg